Feels Like Home. Kinda.

Hello sweet friends!

We've been taken in by the kindest couple here in Yerevan. C (how I'll reference the wife) is all about essential oils, home remedies, and making us feel rested. THANK YOU LORD. N (the husband) is somewhat of the care pastor over the team here, so he's naturally such a life giving person to be around. C and N's apartment have been the best place to stay in midst of the go-go-go-ness of this trip. 

Unfortunately, Bethany has been sick the entire time in Yerevan. Our final days in Istanbul she was feeling groggy and slow, but throwing up late into the night was cherry on top. What we thought was just traveler's icky tummy (being mannered for all our online reader friends) was later realized to be a parasite. Thankfully, antibiotics are easy to get here with no prescription.

Pray for a speedy recovery and to feel back to normal for Bethany!

The team here is something to behold. The hunger for Jesus, the desperate love they have for these people, the kindness they've shown us, it's made Wes and I feel completely inspired. Wes lead worship for a team meeting and it was a night to remember. It's something I have trouble writing about because I know my words wont do justice. So, man, I'm just going to leave it at that. 

We leave for Nairobi, Kenya tomorrow at 3AM! We're sitting here in C & N's family room, editing photos and prayer cards. Really happy to be leaving for 80 degree weather and to escape the oh-so-familiar 10 degree chilly tundra!